- Fixed an issue where under rare circumstances multiple people could be placed into one kiosk.
- Corrected an inconsistency with how the language font color setting functions on the landing page.
- Fixed an issue that prevented restoring deleted surveys.
- Corrected various dark mode inconsistencies.
- Added error handling for end users if the name they have submitted on the landing page is longer than the accepted limit.
- Light mode font color issue for deleted kiosks.
- Inconsistency between validation checks for user name during user creation and user editing.
- Added a play button on mobile web advertising videos for iOS devices that don't allow Auto-Play to fix an issue with videos freezing on those devices.
- Added automatic repositioning to the mobile app UI buttons to keep those buttons from overlapping with the Privacy Policy button when both are enabled.
- Corrected a misalignment of the language flags when booking an appointment as an agent.
- Miscellaneous verbiage correction.
- Miscellaneous user interface bug fixes.
- Adding a totals row to table view in Reports.