Invo Implementation - What to expect?

The following article outlines expectations and resources needed to complete successful Invo product implementations.

Let's start by walking through what staff will be required during implementation.  It is difficult to estimate a number of hours required.  Everyone has different availability and Invo understands that staff wear multiple hats.  However, we can make the recommendation for at least one resource from each of the following departments:


I.T - Hardware staff

  • The Hardware staff will be involved with setting up Agent hardware, any devices that Kiosk software will be installed on (if applicable), as well as tablets needed to use the Concierge app (if applicable).

I.T - Infrastructure staff that would manage building the Replay

  • The Infrastructure staff will be involved with building the VM required to host the Replay.  Staff will work directly with your Vidyo implementation manager.  More details on the Replay process below.

I.T - Firewall team 

  • The Firewall team will be involved with verifying necessary ports are open to allow traffic through.



  • Marketing will be involved with creating Marketing campaigns that will display before the call is created (Kiosk) and while clients are in the queue waiting, as well as Branding images that will be displayed throughout the platform.


Project team


  • The Project team will be at the helm of the project.  The team typically consists of a project manager, as well as the manager of the agents that will be utilizing the platform.  The project manager will be the owner of the project, and the agent manager is necessary to have a full understanding of the platform in order to help train agents and troubleshoot.  The project team will attend our weekly update meetings, and we will bring other parties into the call on an as needed basis.




As stated above, we can't estimate the exact number of hours Implementation will take.  There are many variables at play that could interrupt or delay the project, so we tend to shy away from exacts.  We want to keep your project moving forward, but we also want to be understanding and respectful of your other duties.  However, we can lay out a tentative game plan for what will need to occur.


The first module we will start configuring is Invo Core.  Invo Core is the foundation of the platform, and it is what each module connects to.  In parallel, we will also be configuring Invo Web, as many of the Core settings tie into Invo Web as well.  Configuration for those modules should take one to two weeks depending on how much time you have to dedicate. 

Also in parallel with those modules, your Infrastructure team will be working with an Implementation manager from Vidyo to build your Replay server.  This will also require whoever manages your firewall to verify that certain ports and IP address are open and whitelisted, which will be provided at the time the project begins.  The Replay project does not reflect on the timeline of the Invo platform.  These are two separate projects and the completion of one project does not impact the completion of the other.


Once the initial Configuration phase of Invo Core/Invo Web is completed, we move into testing.  The items that need to be tested are provided in your Implementation guide.  However, the amount of testing you complete is strictly at your discretion.  The purpose of the testing phase is the following:

  • Verify module functionality within your infrastructure
  • Learn and practice standard call functions
  • Begin to develop a workflow that will be taught to your agents

We encourage you to test using the workflow you will use with your clients to continue to practice using this new communication vessel.  It will be a different workflow from what your agents will be used to, and during testing the possibility of discovering a different way of operation might arise, or the necessity to remove a step in the process might be necessary as well.

Based on that criteria, you can determine how much testing is required for your team.  We like to see testing completed within two weeks, creating a four week timeline to get Invo Web implemented.  However, your testing can continue even after we progress onto the next phase. 

Once Invo Core and Invo Web are configured and tested, we can move onto another module.  This will be determined by what you have purchased, and also how you would like to rollout the platform.  If there is a module that is a higher priority than another, we will start there.    




Below is a video walkthrough of an Invo environment.  By now, you should have already received information to log into your Staging environment.  The majority of implementation will take place within your Staging environment.  This environment is your playground, and you will be allowed to keep the environment from here on.  However, this is not the environment you will go live with.  

Your team(s) will need to determine what you are going to brand the Invo platform as.  This branding will be driven by what URL your team comes up with that you can use to provide to your clients.  We suggest branding the platform as something that doesn't pigeon hold you to a specific product.  For example:,, etc.  Once this URL has been determined and setup, you will provide that URL to Invo so we can create your Production environment.  

When that environment is created, we will copy all data from your Staging environment to your Production environment, and finish implementation using your Production environment.


Environment Walkthrough



Go Live


The decision to go live is 100% up to you.  There is no definite time constraint on when you should go live.  This is based solely on your comfort level and confidence with the platform.  


However, implementation will be considered complete when each of the following criteria is met:

  • Platform functionality - does each module function consistently, and as intended.
  • You have determined a production URL, and have configured your production environment.
  • Module knowledge - you understand each module you have purchased, and can educate your staff confidently.
  • Workflow has been determined and practiced - as mentioned above, you have determined the workflow you will be using with your clients, and have practiced how each module function will integrate with this workflow.
  • Demo has been completed to Invo Implementation team - a team member of your choice will demo to a member of the Invo Implementation team to verify understanding of the Invo platform.