Invo Text

The following article describes features and agent workflow for Invo Text

To access active text messages, navigate to the Dashboard, and click on "Texts."


Also in this column, you will see additional sections under "Texts":

1.  Texts completed -  A list of the completed text interactions

2.  Blocked - A list of blocked contacts/numbers that your agents have selected to block.

3.  Watching list - Your agents have the ability to add interactions to the watching list for faster access.  This is a setting that will need to be turned on.

4.  Generic Incoming - Any new incoming text interaction will be added to a Generic Incoming queue.  This will show the number of active interactions for the Generic Incoming queue.

5.  Mortgages - Any queues that you have transferred an interaction to that are currently active will display here. 


Once you have clicked on the "Texts" module, you will be presented with the Text Dashboard:


1.  Queues that currently have active interactions

NOTE: Text queue's do not function in the same manner as video queues, and do not incorporate smart routing.  When a customer texts in, we do not know the immediate reason for the text, so all incoming texts are placed in a generic incoming queue.  This generic incoming queue cannot be changed.  However, when you know the reason for the text, you can move the text to a new queue.  The queues will act as lists to help organize your messages.

2.  Search for interactions

3.  Create a new outbound text interaction

4.  Filter drop down for search

5.  Clear filters

Clicking on a Text interaction will produce additional options:



1.  Contact Info - This is where the phone number of the client texting in will appear.  When you click on number, you can edit contact information for the client, including their first and last name, and an email address.


2.  Queue - This will display which queue the interaction is currently in. 


3.  Add interaction to watch list - Watcher is a feature that will need to be enabled in the Settings menu.  This will add an additional item in the queue list (shown above) that is available for quick access.  The watch list can include interactions from any queue.


4.  Docusign Integration (Coming soon)


5.  Additional Features - This menu will provide more features, shown below.

a.  Block - You can block the current interaction phone number.

b.  Claim Ownership - This will allow an agent to "own" the message.  They will be the only agent allowed to respond to the interaction until ownership is released.

c.  Complete - This will mark the interaction as complete.


6.  Notes - You can add a note to an interaction.  Notes will be displayed under the History (8) tab.


7.  Suggestions - Suggestions will display when keywords are entered into the message.  These suggestions are driven from a list of intents that current also apply to our Chatbot.  You can learn how to edit intents by clicking here.  

NOTE: If you are utilizing both Invo Chat and Invo Text, the intents for Invo Chat will not function in the same manner in Invo Text.  Text can currently only utilize the response steps in Invo Chat, so please keep this in mind when selecting an intent.


8.  History - You can view a complete history of updates to the interaction.  Notes (6) will be displayed in this list.  


9. Search - You can use this search bar to search a list of suggestions and templates available.  Those results will display in (10).


10. Suggestion and Template list - A list of available suggestions and templates that you have either searched for, or that the system has recognized that will apply to the current message.  Templates can be created by you (See Text Templates).  


11 & 12. Status notices - Status notices can be used to help quickly recall what a current text status is.  You can select a status of "Waiting on Us" or "Waiting on customer" to help you quickly recall what is currently needed on the interaction.


13.  Create a followup - This will allow agents to place a quick recall checklist for any additional action that is required from the text to help them organize what is needed.